Knitting Blog

My YouTube Videos

Did you know I have over 70

knitting videos on YouTube?

Yes, indeed, I do! 

Why watch a YouTube video by Martha Lyons/Knityourselfhappy?

Personal instruction is the best way to learn how to knit or learn a new technique. When you don’t have me as your local knitting teacher, my YouTube videos are a great substitute. If you want to learn a new knitting technique or you need a reminder of something you have already learned and forgotten, go to my YouTube channel. Everyone needs a clue now and then!

There are different ways to find my YouTube channel:

  1. Type into your search engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing, AOL, etc): Martha Lyons Knityourselfhappy YouTube Videos 
  2. Go to the YouTube website and type in the search bar Martha Lyons or Knityourselfhappy.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of this page and find the icon for YouTube in the blue footer section. Click on that arrow icon to go directly to my YouTube Channel from any post.
  4. Click this link.

When you watch a video of mine on YouTube, please comment and subscribe! When you subscribe, you will receive email alerts whenever I post a new video.
